Double Breakup

A Metal band named Witchrot broke up in one of the most spectacular posts of all time that somehow managed to bury the lead and cause more questions than answers. I wouldn’t expect a reunion soon though.

2018-12-03 07_26_07-This Canadian metal band just broke up in the most spectacular way.png

Album of The  Week

Undertow -Drenge (2015)

The band’s name comes from “Drenge” the Danish word for “boys”, and the two brothers that form the band don’t take themselves too seriously. The primary inspiration for the album was 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the album really takes you on a journey. Using the same producer as some of the Arctic Monkey’s albums this has a similar feel and quality. It doesn’t hurt that it has one of my all time favorite album covers either.

Shaking in your sleep again
When you woke up you were fine
You just didn’t believe what I said
— Never Awake
You wanted my heart for it’s little worth
I was half your age, and I thought we were in love
— Standing in the Cold

Best New Track: Allentown

I am on a journey, to discover what it’s like
To be free of all my demons, to be free of all my demons
— Manchester Orchestra


Slowly lie to me
Like you do when you tell the truth
— Son Lux


Down by the river by the boats
Where everybody goes to be alone
— Agnes Obel

A Coral Room

I hear her laughing
She is standing in the kitchen
As we come in the back door
— Kate Bush

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