Mental Health Awareness Month

Another year of trying to return to “normal” for everyone. It seems like “normal” either changed or wasn’t quite as good as we remembered for a lot of people. Each year I try to identify some songs that highlight the struggles of artists with addiction and mental health. The following are some songs that tell these stories and a few details about the people behind them. Whether you are struggling to find balance spending more time in the office or going through real trauma the results can be the same. I encourage you to make time for the things you love as it is always worth it.

Having done this for several years now I can say with absolute certainty that it is easier than ever to find artists giving personal accounts and details about the struggles they have faced. Some artists are opening up after years of silence, or shedding insight into struggles that you could only surmise before from their music. Money doesn't solve the problems of your heart, brain, or soul (though it certainly helps a ton and I’m open to any money anyone wants to give me). Please take the time to reach out to people you care about and let them know you are there for them. You’ll never regret a time you were there for someone you care about.

“I do my best to hide this lowdown feeling
I try to make believe there's nothing wrong”

The Man in Black, no not the one slapping people at the Oscars though that could certainly be lumped into a conversation about mental health, Jonny Cash, had more than his fair share of strife. When I think about Johnny Cash, I think about redemption, and not just because he has a bunch of songs about it, but he also lived it. His most popular albums were those he played at prisons, he was a man who believed in the potential for redemption, he saw inmates as humans worthy of art, grace, and love. He struggled with drugs, alcohol, and incarceration and longed for redemption. In his seventies he leaned on his faith to stay clean and walk the line and found some of the peace that had always eluded him in his youth.

“I don't believe in an interventionist god
But I know, darling, that you do
But if I did, I would kneel down and ask him
Not to intervene when it came to you”

I’ve written about Nick Cave before and his dealing with the loss of his 15 year old son who fell off a cliff to his death, while high on LSD. Cave had to deal with that loss and you can really feel his pain in the works that have come out since that tragedy. Unfortunately this month Cave lost another son, this one fully grown. This time it was his estranged adult son who had been trying to reconcile his absence as a father when the boy was young. This son had been imprisoned multiple times for violence against women, most recently his own mother. One day after he was released from prison he took his own life. A series of tragedies that seems too much for any one family to hold onto. A mother mourning a son who had acted violently against her. Tragedy and violence seems to attract only more of both. I thought that when I got this far in my explanation of the suffering and tragedy that he has gone through that I would have a way to tie it back to his music or make a point. But I don’t have a good way to do so, it was just one of the stories in music I read this year that made me wonder how anyone can process that pain and tragedy. He must have so many strong feelings across the spectrum of anger and loss, and not for the first time. Maybe my point is to not put too much stock in your professional success as it will never be for the same stakes as your duty as a parent, friend, and guide for the people who you care about. The failures of those who you care about in the things that really matter will have a much greater impact on your life than anything else.

“And being clever never got me very far
Because it's all in my head”

Florence Welch said the inspiration for her new album was the desire for the feeling of togetherness during lockdown. Although Florence seems to be still thriving she isn’t too far removed from her own serious struggles with Anorexia and addiction. However, thankfully she is now 8 years sober and although she still deals with the negative self-esteem and worth issues that are so common with Anorexia she is managing them. She has a lot on her plate now between that and staying sober for over 8 years. She said "When you're sober it is unfiltered reality all day every day. You don't get a brain break". She also mentioned how hard lockdown has been for people "I really fucking empathize with anyone who did relapse in those two years because I think it was probably the closest I've ever thought about it.". Using her support system was key to her remaining healthy and happy “I have people I can talk to and that's one of the most important things for anyone – to keep talking about it. And not to be ashamed if those thoughts come up."

“Now it's him against them in a personal war
The mind snaps and economies collapse
When the one who works hardest gets the smallest reward”

Last but certainly not least is Ezra Furman, one of my all time favorite artists who I fell in love with from the very first song I heard and listened to every single other song they had made immediately after. For Ezra’s upcoming album which is the third in a trilogy she said “The biggest influence on the lyrics of this song is a conversation I had with a friend of mine. When Covid was first hitting, she was talking to me a lot about how ready she felt. She was like, ‘people who have been comfortable in life are freaking out right now. But queer people like me have been in crisis before. I grew up poor and my family kicked me out when I was a teenager. My world has already ended plenty of times before, and we queers know what to do: we take care of each other, we help each other out, we have a network of support for the crises we know will hit us from time to time.’

“And then she lost her job and ended up moving in with me and my family for like three months. And she was right, we were okay and we were taking care of each other.” She further elaborated and this is a point that I think is especially important during Mental Health Awareness Month: “Sometimes it feels like crisis is hitting more and more of the general population. They think the world is ending. But people who have been through a personal apocalypse or two have something to teach them. The world doesn’t end, shit just happens and if we don’t die we have to take care of each other.”

Child of Rock

I don’t share a lot of Kid Rock music on here since I try to share good music that I think people will like, but the most recent Kid Rock video reaches levels of cringe that I don’t recall seeing since fellow Michigan native Eminem’s cipher video. It was nice of Kid Rock to make something so funny but not on purpose, a true parody of himself somehow. It is an amazing piece of work and will haunt me for some time. Every choice from the outfits to dance moves is like it was specifically chosen to embarrass a person too out of touch to realize they were being made fun of. Well, YouTube just started autoplaying the next Kid Rock song so I think that means it is time for me to be done typing and switch to back to good music.


Director of the movie Joker revealed an astounding source of inspiration for the movie. He said that he heard Radiohead’s song Creep for the first time recently on the radio and was so moved that he decided to base some of the character’s motivations on it. I seriously cannot imagine an adult male in America hearing Creep for the first time on the doorstep of 50 years old. Like where was he living that he had never heard the song before? Also it is so much more insane to me to be CURRENTLY listening to the radio but seemingly didn’t turn it on or even was in a car that had a radio or hotel lobby or something where you had heard the song before. Did he run to all his friends and tell them he found the coolest new song, and they were all like “yeah we know man”. Apparently he wanted to include it in the movie as well but the execs tried to politely explain to him that everyone else had heard the song 1,000 times and would it would be closer to cringey than edgy to include it in the movie. The song is the same age as me; I find it extremely funny to picture a rich guy going through a mid life crisis and “discovering” one of the most referenced songs ever and being excited to use it for his killer clown movie, only to realize it isn’t quite as Indie as the Indie radio station’s moniker would suggest.

In unrelated news Meghan Trainor revealed that she built her house with two toilets directly next to each other in her new house for her and her husband. This is exactly what I mean when I say having too much money makes you crazy.


Kid Rock Still a Child and as Smart as a Stone

Some children of privilege never grow up and that is certainly the case with Kid Rock. Hailing from a mansion with a tennis court rather than the Detroit trailer park that Eminem is actually from, the most authentic parts of Kid Rock’s persona have always been the worst parts of Bob Ritchie. A video recently surfaced of him at a concert shouting at fans “You fucking f*****s with your iPhones out.” He then pointed to his groin and said, “Post this dick rock now.”

A move used by real bigots he decided to double down rather than issue an apology: “If Kid Rock using the word f****t offends you, good chance you are one,” Kid Rock wrote on his Twitter, crediting the statement to his real name Bob Ritchie. “Either way, I know he has a lot of love for his gay friends and I will have a talk with him. Have a nice day.”

Maybe he is working to be more of a piece of shit so he has a better chance of not getting crushed so badly in polling for Senate that he has to pretend the whole campaign was a publicity stunt for his new album. He referred to the campaign as “the most creative thing I’ve ever done” and as a devout lover of music I don’t know if I disagree with him at this point. You have to feel for him though, it must be tough to be a greasy old bigot who is rich and famous largely through dumb luck and still not be able to make it in politics in America.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Each year I try to identify some songs that highlight the struggles of artists with addiction and mental health. The following are some songs that tell these stories and a few details about the people behind them. I think there is untold benefit that these songs bring to the world as people facing challenges hear those expressed in art and can feel less alone and isolated. Misery loves company and I think music is an amazing platform for people who feel isolated and alone.

Unfortunately music and addiction often go hand in hand as a life of touring away from family and only being around transitory friends and enablers is often how success in the industry is met. I know that it can be easy to be cynical when someone who is rich and famous and has a “better” life than you self-sabotages with drugs, but if you consider walking in their shoes it is easier to picture yourself stumbling in the same ways. Even beyond the overdoses when you look at someone like Ozzy Osbourne who has robbed himself of his own mind by abusing drugs puttering around his mansion with his wretched wife and children it is pity and not envy you should feel. I often wonder if this is the real reason that many artists get much worse as they get older, is disappointment from higher expectations really the reason that most bands never have a good album after they turn 30? Or is fueling your first three albums with cocaine and booze robbing yourself from creativity in your later years? I’m not sure and I’m certainly no expert.

“Gonna hold my head up Looking for the good times Biding my time Waiting for the glad times”

“Gonna hold my head up
Looking for the good times
Biding my time
Waiting for the glad times”

There are numerous songs about drug use and examples of artists I could pick for this section but I decided to pick one of the success stories. Paul Weller, former frontman of The Jam, recently opened up about the effect his ten years of sobriety have had on his life and his music. “Since I’ve been sober, which is 11 years this year, I get more from music. Not just my music, but all music. It means more to me, and it’s more direct to my heart and my soul. And certainly playing it. Playing sober is so different, because you become more conscious, you’re more in the moment. And that changes everything.” He added that I think if you can’t do it on your own, there’s no shame in that. I’ve only had a few times where I’ve come close to drinking again, because I was angry. And I called my mate, and he talked me through it, really.”

“Trying to fix my mind Still trying to fix my mind Trying to work it out”

“Trying to fix my mind
Still trying to fix my mind
Trying to work it out”

The next artist that I would like to discuss is Damien Jurado, he may not be someone you are familiar with which is partially his own fault. After a successful sophomore album he followed it up with an album of “found sound” where he would collect cassete tapes and compile sounds from them into soundscapes rather compulsively. Not really the type of stuff that will climb the charts. That hasn’t stopped him from releasing some great music since and working as a pre-school teacher and raising a family. He opened up about his struggles with mental health “[The struggle for a positive place is] always there. I think it takes a lot of responsibility on my end to make sure that I’m maintaining myself and doing the right things for the most part. It takes work.” On people stigmatizing mental health and being dismissive toward it he didn’t mince words “Fuck them. People get sick. People get mentally fucked up sometimes. It’s no different.”

I don't need to know who I am yet  I don't need to have a solid plan yet I don't need to be the same as everyone else I just need to motherfuckin' love myself

I don't need to know who I am yet
I don't need to have a solid plan yet
I don't need to be the same as everyone else
I just need to motherfuckin' love myself

Olivia O’Brien has dealt with depression from young age and it shows up in her music which she uses as therapy. ““I’ve had depression since I was literally eleven years old,” she says. “I don’t know why. I don’t know what I was possibly feeling at eleven years old” She faced bullying for her music when she was young “When I think about how I felt about myself in high school, I’m almost uncomfortable,” she explains. “My self-esteem was pretty much destroyed from all of that.” Much younger than the rest of the artist on this list she plays an important role for younger girls in high school now; “I want to be honest about everything I feel and to share it. I want to keep an open conversation about mental health and self-image and how I feel about love and relationships. There are definitely people that talk about those things for sure, but I think I do it in a way that is pretty ridiculously open.”

“Honey, I know that I don't have the body you want in a girlfriend  What I'm working with is less than ideal But maybe, baby, it's not all about what you thought that you wanted It's about the way I can make you feel”

“Honey, I know that I don't have the body you want in a girlfriend
What I'm working with is less than ideal
But maybe, baby, it's not all about what you thought that you wanted
It's about the way I can make you feel”

Last but certainly not least is Ezra Furman, one of my all time favorite artists who I fell in love with from the very first song I heard and listened to every single other song they had made immediately after. Ezra has not exactly been subtle with her attitude toward gender with her album Transangelic Exodus having a theme of a surgical procedure that you could undergo to become and transition into being an angel. A masterful album based largely on Ezra’s personal struggles with her own gender identity. She recently decided to give an update of her journey “I wanted to share with everyone that I am a trans woman, and also that I am a mom and have been for a while now (like 2+ years)…. About being a trans woman: for my own reasons I have been hesitant to use these words, especially the ‘woman’ word. I have often described myself as non-binary, which maybe is still true (I’m just gonna sit with that question for the moment)… But I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am a woman, and yes for me it’s complex, but it’s complex to be any sort of woman. I am very proud to be a trans woman and to have come to know it and be able to say it. This has not been an easy journey.” I am so proud of Ezra and happy for her and her family. Obviously the reason I include this is because of all the bullying and issues that trans people face in our society today, and I’m glad they have someone as cool as Ezra to look up to.

5th Annual Grahammy Awards!

It is finally the time of year for the biggest awards in music The Grahammy's! This week the winners will are crowned and those receiving awards can have their careers changed forever. Many of these artists see this award as their assent to the top of their field. 

And the awards go to...

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Best Song with French

Christine & The Queens - People I’ve been Sad

Sometimes when everyone on the planet has had a terrible year you don’t need to understand the words to know exactly what they are saying

Missing out for way too long (People, I’ve been gone)
It’s just that me, myself, and I (Me, myself, and I)
Been missing out for way too long


Biggest Variance Between Album Art and Song Quality

Starting Over - Chris Stapleton

Personal grooming and album art are not his strengths but luckily writing and singing songs is.

To a better place than the one we’re at
And I ain’t got no kinda plan
But I’ve had all of this town I can stand


Best Songwriting

Soccer Mommy - Circle The Drain

This song again just feels like it fits perfectly for this year that had people at stressed and doing their best but coming up short.

I’m trying to seem strong for my love
For my family and friends
But I’m so tired of faking


Best Track

John Prine - I remember Everything

The last song from a legend who died of Covid this year is an amazing journey and reminded me of the last works of Leonard Cohen, David Bowie, and Johnny Cash as they tried to impart some wisdom on their way out.

Got no future in my happiness, the regrets are very few
Sometimes a little tenderness was the best that I could do


Album of the Year

Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher

Sometimes you just need an album that is always good to put on, this fits that mold perfectly. An album that is impossible to get mad at.

When I get back I’ll lay around
Then I’ll get up and lay back down
Romanticize a quiet life
There’s no place like my room

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Grahammy Nominees for Album of the Year

It is finally the time of year for the biggest awards in music The Grahammy's! This week nominees for Album of the Year are announced with the winner chosen next week in addition to the winners for other categories as well. Take a listen to these great albums and maybe your favorite will be chosen for Album of The Year.

I've complied the best track from each of the nominated albums into a playlist, as well as the entire album for each band. These albums were chosen for the quality of the entire album from beginning to end so I highly recommend listening to the entire album if you enjoy any of the tracks in the playlist below.  Also remember to hit the Subscribe button above if you haven't already to get an email reminder when the winner is announced next week! You can click on the album art to pull up the album in Spotify.

Porridge Radio - Long

Best Track - Long

This album was my introduction to this band and I was very impressed. I love the old-school vibes of this album and the floaty feeling it gives you like you are stuck in a 90’s movie driving scene.

I don’t know what you’re going through
But it’s a waste of my time
It’s a waste of my time
I don’t know what you’re going through
But it’s wasting my time
— Long

Pillow Queens - In Waiting

Best Track - Gay Girls

If you are looking for a band started by four queer Irish women then look no further because I think they may have cornered the market. This album feels like flannel and bonfires so enjoy it without the disgusting smoky smell when you wash your hair next.

A kiss so cold I can’t stop crying
— Brothers


Laura Marling - Song For Our Daughter

Best Track - Held Down

Written to her fictional daughter as a method for giving herself the praise, advice, and honesty that she can’t seem to find when trying to convince herself of something. A simple stripped-down album is a great choice if you like singer-songwriters.

Woke up in a country who refused to hold your hand
Kept falling for narcissists who insist you call them ‘man’
You work late for a job you hate that’s never fit the plan
Stay low, keep brave
— Strange Girl

Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher

Best Track - Kyoto

After a debut album that totally stole my heart she has gone from completely unknown to very popular, I am already mad about how much I am going to have to pay to see her in concert because I would have definitely been able to see her last summer for under twenty bucks.

Three clicks and I’m home
When I get back I’ll lay around
Then I’ll get up and lay back down
Romanticize a quiet life
There’s no place like my room
— I Know the End

Fenne Lily - Breach

Best Track - Elliot

Bringing his usual mix of humor throughout this is a fun album that is worth a listen if you are unfamiliar with his work. Sometimes his songs just have a way of making you smile and sing along.

I’m high on two day sheets
Home is where I brush my teeth
I get sick on second best
You get off to God is dead
— I, Neitzche

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This teacher is using Korn to teach his kids their ABC’s and I am here for it, I think I would struggle less with alphabetizing things if there was a guitar riff associated.


Best New Track: Thumbs

He ordered rum and coke
I can’t drink either anymore
— Lucy Ducas



I think I hate you but I don’t know why
— Alro Parks


Estate Sale Sign

But I remember when we shared a vision, you and I
— The Mountain Goats



I care for you
And I just don’t care who knows it
And I guess that means that I love you
— Todd Rundgren

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

Patrice Be With You

Not much interesting news this week but this old clip of Patrice O’Neal talking about one of my favorite songs is great.


Best New Track: Be Sweet

Caught up in my feelings, overthink the truth
Fantasize you’ve left me behind and I’m turned back running for you
— Japanese Breakfast


Letter from ‘Nam

America, America
Where have I gone?
It’s such a long walk home
— Neil Young


Hard Row

If you want to go and leave your man
Go on, I’ll understand
— The Black Keys


Stone Wall, Stone Fence

He won and now he’s gonna do something about it
Ain’t it sad?
And if you don’t wanna feel like a putz
Collect the clues and connect the dots
You’ll see the pattern that is bursting your bubble
And it’s bad
— The Hives

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

Going Gaga

I read about 20 headlines this week worried about Lady Gaga getting her pet dogs back after her dogwalker was shot twice in the chest and robbed. It really is crazy how quickly even in the headline people have more concern for a famous person’s dogs than a working class person getting shot twice in the chest.

Anyway, here is a clip that made me happy this week.


Best New Track: Heatwave

Scratch my knees on the gravel
Say it’s all part of the deal
Coverеd in scars a canyon deep
It’s not like what I thought it’d be
— Julien Baker


I begged Everything

I can remember wishing that the season had lasted a little longer
It don’t, and we die
— Bad Books



One for the road, I’ll be on my way
Come another day when the things we say
Find a way to be
A way to be
— The Three Degrees


Stone Wall, Stone Fence

Why’d you go and waste it
The things that you know
Are making you a stone wall, stone fence
Your stories so old you just tend to keep them
— Gregory and the Hawk

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

Papa Postponed

Papa Roach has announced that they are going to wait until Covid subsides to release their next album and begin touring. They said it was a hard decision to come to but Covid has cut their life into pieces, and this is their last resort. They worry of people suffocating from Covid and say it is worth having no breathing at confined indoor spaces.


Best New Track: Not Dead Yet

All messed up with nowhere to go
I stare at myself in the mirror alone
It’s hard to make friends when you’re half in the grave
But I ain’t dead yet
— Lord Huron


Black Boys on Mopeds

Margaret Thatcher on TV
Shocked by the deaths that took place in Beijing
It seems strange that she should be offended
The same orders are given by her
— Sinéad O’Connor



I close my eyes as my hands shake
And when I see a new day
Who’s driving this anyway
— White Lies



Longer than
There`ve been stars up in the heavens
I`ve been in love with you
I am in love with you
— Dan Fogelberg

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

Anne Feeney RIP

Folk singer Anne Feeney best known for her support for worker causes and singing on picket lines has died of Covid at age 69. Another casualty for the music industry and the plight of the worker in America.


Best New Track: Cry

Who you do you love when push comes to shove?
— Jon Batiste


War On The Workers

These multinational bastards don’t use tanks and guns it’s true
But they’ve declared a war on us, fight back! It’s up to you
There’s a war on the workers
— Anne Feeney



History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of man
— Blue Oyster Cult



I was not born yesterday
I saw it coming today
I kind of felt it that way
But it’s ok, it’s ok

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.


A man who has always given off maximum creep vibes appears to be a big creep, who would have thought. Marilyn Manson has been accused by multiple women of grooming and abusive behavior including but not limited to using a Go-Pro to peer up female musicians skirts and using his power to silence their complaints on tour.


Best New Track: Medicine at Midnight

I may be sick, but you know I’m yours
— Foo Fighters


Crazy love, Vol II

Well I don’t claim to be happy about this, boys
And I don’t seem to be happy about that
— Paul Simon


Can You Heal Us (Holy Man)

Can you bring the hand of God?
Can you stop the killing?
Get us back to hope and love - Never more be needed
— Paul Weller



I’ll be on the corner, just passing time
— Kings of Leon

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

Spotify Listening

Spotify just was granted a patent to allow it to listen to users speech patterns and backgrounds in order to recommend playlists to them. That seems extremely creepy to me and I doubt that them listening to me make pasta is helping provide me better music and probably more likely to have them sell my data to Ragu. If you want great playlists of new music every week I recommend subscribing to the music newsletter of the guy you met at work or whatever.

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Best New Track: Only A Matter Of Time

Well, I’m sure that you’re hurting inside
But why would you makе your pain mine?
— Joshua Bassett

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And in your face
Tightened lace
And below
— Emily Jane White


You’ve Got A Friend

You just call out my name
And you know where ever I am
I’ll come running oh yes I will
— James Taylor

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Long Walk Home

If Liberty was a little girl
Watching all the flags unfurl
Standing at the big parade
How would she like us now?
— Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

Getting Grimey

Joe Rogan says that Elon Musk’s partner (they’ve gotten divorced twice but are still together) musician Grimes is not responsible for Dave Chappelle getting Covid despite her testing positive earlier this month and then going to the show that they were hosting. Rogan is a certified contact tracer so I believe him, he hasn’t made tons of statements about Covid basically being the flu to his massive audience.


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Best New Track: Badibaba

Littered seas, feels like we’re an infection
— Goat Girl

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Cold wind blowing over your private parts
I know a lack you’ve got is to make a strong case for art
— The Tragically Hip

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Coming up closer
Coming up just to see if you’re ok, we’re ok
— Penelope Isles

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Lost Direction

Without your affection
Who knows where I’d go
— Cameron AG

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

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Backstreet Unlikely To Be Back

Looks like The Backstreet Boys have gone their different ways with Brian Littrell becoming a Q-Anon guy so maybe don’t expect a reunion anytime soon. Except that money has made many bands who hate each other continue preforming.


Best New Track: Chemtrails Over the Country Club

Washing my hair, doing the laundry
Late night TV, I want you on me
— Lana Del Rey


Letter to Madeline

Now in the pouring snow, sad, but swift
I headed down the highway
Hoping that the burden of my blues would lift
And praying that the whiskey would keep me brave
— Ian Noe


Love Is A Laserquest

Do you still feel younger than you thought you would by now
Or darling, have you started feeling old yet?
— Arctic Monkeys


Trap Door

And when you give it all away again
Give a little bit back to me
— Strand of Oaks

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

Bowie Forever

It’s been five years since David Bowie died, can make a pretty compelling argument things have in general only gotten worse since then. For example his music is now available on Tik Tok, wish I could rewind that clock.

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Best New Track: 100,000 People

All your time is heaven sent
Days and nights all start to blend
— Kings of Leon

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Five Years

News guy wept and told us
Earth was really dying
Cried so much his face was wet
— David Bowie

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If I could love you unconditionally
I could iron out the edges of the darkest sky
— Waxahatchee

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Missing You

I spend my time
Thinking about you
And it’s almost driving me wild
— John Waite

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

No Arts Appreciation

Phoebe Bridgers revealed that her apartment neighbors don’t like her singing, "Actually, something funny happens here where I share such a small space that my neighbors have yelled for me to shut the fuck up through my window because they don’t like when I sing to myself. So, I’ll write songs that are way, way, way higher than I can actually sing because I’m whispering. Then I’ll go to record them, and I’ll be like, "I can’t fucking sing this!""

She said she would like to reply “Fuck you." Really wish I was next door neighbors with one of the best singers on the planet, my neighbors just have barking dogs and drop what I assume is bowling balls.


Best New Track: Searching With My good Eye Closed

If I took you for a ride, would you take it wrong?
Or would you make it right, make it right?
— Brandi Carlile


Nothing Will Change

You always believed in me and I always believed in you
Let’s not turn the page
— Sharon Van Etten



Don’t be a criminal in this police state
You’d better shop and eat and procreate
You’ve got vacation days, then you might escape
— Bright Eyes


Don’t This Look Like the Dark

Tonight, when I am rolling over the Earth’s most lonesome ground
I will think of all the ways next time I will try not to let you down
— Magnolia Electric Co.

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

The Lorde of The Rings

Lorde has revived her instagram account that she had been using for years to review onion rings on her travels but suspended after her identity was revealed. She has taken back to the streets to let people know which onion rings to eat.


Best New Track: Are You There

Hard times, old ways, takes up a lot of time
Hard times, uses up whole days
— Slaughter Beach, Dog


too long

You wear your heart on your sleeve
And now you wanna use it to wipe the tears outta your eyes
You’re getting salt in the wound
— Arlie


Change Your Mind

More than a million roses bloom
Embracing you with this
Must be the one you love
— Neil Young and Crazy Horse


Lucky Denver Mint

You’re not bigger than this, not better
Why can’t you learn?
— Jimmy Eat World

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.

Christmas Eve 6

The lead singer from Eve 6 has taken to Twitter to tell some short stories of his time in rock unfiltered. He does a move I would do of not saying anyone’s name but instead calling them things like “Third Eye Blind Guy” who he claims “had me fake arrested by a real cop in alabama on tour cuz the night before id taken a big jar of candy from the front desk and said im the singer of third eye blind i can do whatever i want and they called his room at 3am telling him 2 give the candy back”. He also claims that “Third Eye Blind Guy” “told me he fucked my girlfriend he told me i was “a wordsmith like jim morrison”. Really nice of him to share some stories without peddling a ghostwritten book.


Best New Track: It’s Christmas and I fucking Miss You

This holiday is not the same without you by my side
I’ll still try to force a smile
Just hope I make it out alive
It’s Christmas and I fucking miss you
— Charly Bliss & PUP


All I Want For Christmas is Whiskey

Fill up my cup and it will set me free
— Dan Rodriguez


The Christmas Waltz

It’s that time of year
When the world falls in love
— She & Him


Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
Next year all our troubles
Will be out of sight
— Phoebe Bridgers

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

Please use this link when you Shop Amazon Shop on Amazon, you can even save it as your Amazon bookmark! I get referral money anytime you make a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it to help me find a video game I’m not bad at.