Fatal Smashed mouth

So the first person to die of Covid from going to the Smash Mouth concert happened. If only there had been a way to tell that was a bad idea in advance. I’ll try to distract from that downer with some footage of what it is like to ride in the car with me.


Best New Track: Bummerland

Bummerland, here I am
Better nix my summer plans


Tell It To My Heart

Tell it to my heart
Tell me I’m the only one
— Taylor Dayne


Manic Monday

These are the days when you wish your bed was already made
— The Bangals


And We Danced

Swept away for a moment by chance
— The Hooters

Community Playlist: Add Your Tracks

Share your favorite tracks in this Spotify playlist with other members of Twig Music. The most important part of any growing website is farming out most of the work to the users but still taking credit for everything. Add your music here and it may be featured in an upcoming week.

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