R. Kelly Finally Convicted

I think I have only brought up how much I hate R. Kelly a few hundred times on here for being a sex criminal, so it is great to say he has finally been convicted of a crime. He says he claims to snitch on other powerful people to reduce his sentence so that still makes him getting killed like Epstein a likely course of action and I can live with that. Good to see a truly vile human get some of the immeasurable punishment he deserves.

On the topic of rich people assassinations it looks like Grimes is part of Assassin’s Creed and is finally going to kill Elon after going deep undercover by marrying the sack of slime. Looks like she is a bit rusty because you need to walk into a group of people to “blend” and make yourself less noticeable. Wish she would stop screwing around in the open world and beat the game already.
